Albania, Kosovo & North Macedonia


Teacher Brunilda Domi in her classroom with students who attend Azem Hajdar secondary school, Kamza Municipality, Albania. Credit: Solidarity Center / Florian Goga

Unions are seeking dignity on the job and better working conditions for Albania’s teachers, including secondary school teacher Brunilda Domi at Azem Hajdar secondary school, Kamza Municipality. Credit: Solidarity Center / Florian Goga

The Solidarity Center’s Albania programs support cooperation among unions within traditional sectors, and promote effective union representation and worker rights advocacy in emerging industries.

Two teachers’ unions with Solidarity Center support are seeking to secure and implement agreements with their employer to provide union members with adequate rights’ education and help them secure good working conditions.

In the telecommunications sector, through the provision of organizing support and union member education the Solidarity Center is supporting union efforts to represent workers more effectively in the country’s growing telecom and call-center industries.

To improve workplace health and safety, in partnership with national trade union federations and civil society organizations the Solidarity Center is bringing together employers, government and workers to address discrimination and violence at work, improve workplace safety enforcement, and address health and safety issues related to climate change.


In partnership with Kosovo’s national trade union federation and education and culture sector union, by bolstering Kosovo unions’ external communications skills and facilitating increased dialogue between public sector unions and government, the Solidarity Center is addressing public sector worker challenges.   

North Macedonia

In partnership with national union federations and education sector unions, in North Macedonia the Solidarity Center focuses on elimination of discrimination at work, providing more workers with the opportunity to join unions, and safety and health.

Through events promoting workers’ understanding of health and safety rules and regulations in eight North Macedonia sectors, the Solidarity Center with the country’s national federation and a regional safety and health organization facilitated the formation of an eight-sector national health and safety committee. The Solidarity Center’s education sector program helps empower union representatives with knowledge and skills necessary for enforcing union contracts at the school level, and builds the capacity of union committees to effectively represent young and women workers.

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Albania Union Women Win Better Wages and Conditions

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