
Thailand, Ford Rayong auto plant, Solidarity Center, worker rights,

Through their union, a Solidarity Center partner, workers at the Ford Rayong auto plant in Thailand are paid good wages and work in safe conditions. Credit: Solidarity Center/Julian Hadden

Together with local partners, Solidarity Center supports workers seeking to improve their working conditions despite challenging circumstances: Under Thai labor law, workers in the private sector are severely limited in the right to form and join unions, and employers frequently dismiss workers who are trying to form unions. The courts often take the side of employers and pressure workers to drop their complaints and migrant workers are prohibited from organizing and freedom of association.

The Solidarity Center also joins with Thai unions and community groups in pushing for enforcement of international labor standards and national labor law, protecting the rights of migrant workers, preventing human trafficking and achieving legal redress for trafficking victims, and ensuring workers have access to justice and to the social benefits and protections they are guaranteed under law.

Media Contact

Vanessa Parra
Campaign and Media Communications Director

[email protected]


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