Hi, my name is Nihayat Eskander, I am an IDP (internally displaced person) from Mosul (Iraq) and now I am in Shikhan district (northern Iraq).
I am a member of KUWU (Kurdistan United Workers Union–Iraq). I participated in a workshop under the title of “Worker Union’s Role During the Transition from War to Peace” held by the Solidarity Center in November 2016.
I benefited a lot from this workshop and I learned about unions and labor rights and how to encourage and support union work in the area newly recaptured from terrorist organizations.
After this workshop, I implemented vocational training for IDP female workers and I taught them how to sew, style hair and cook, and from those trainings, I succeeded in finding job opportunities for IDPs who are in Shikhan and Duhok—and they now have livelihoods. During the trainings, I informed them about (Iraq’s) labor law (and described) how to protect their labor rights, how to monitor violations and organize their co-workers in unions to be more protected.
Thank you for listening to my story.