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April 4, 2020 Workers will commemorate the anniversary of the deadly Rana Plaza building collapse in Bangladesh, in which 1,100 garment workers were killed as the multi-story building pancaked in a preventable accident that also left thousands severely injured. Years...

Five Years After Rana Plaza, Leaders Emphasize Need for Brands to Sign Accord Renewal

Shawna Bader-Blau, executive director of the Solidarity Center, said, “Every time there is new initiative to regulate corporate behavior through supply chains, it is incumbent on all of us to insist freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining be included… It just doesn’t happen. Most of the time, multi-stakeholder initiatives … center on every other form of rights but human rights in the supply chain.”

Five Years After Rana Plaza, How Much Has Changed in Bangladesh?

“Markets and corporations don’t magically conjure up shared prosperity,” said executive director of the Solidarity Center Shawna Bader-Blau. “It’s the agency of individual citizens coming together collectively… that push governments and corporations to make changes to the way our economies and democracies work that make them more fair.”​

Murder Charges for Rana Plaza Disaster ‘Much Delayed’

“Over the past three years, the Bangladesh government has approved fewer and fewer union registration applications. Through their unions, workers are able to speak out freely about safety and health concerns at their worksites and prevent horrible tragedies like Rana Plaza. Limiting workers from forming unions puts workers’ safety at risk,” said Tim Ryan, Solidarity Center director of Asia programs.

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