Four women stand and smile in front of a backdrop, two with raised fists.

From left to right: Julieta Mónica Morales, general secretary of the Mexican Workers’ Union League; Imelda Jiménez, Los Mineros union secretary for political affairs; Abelina Ramírez, general secretary of National Democratic Independent Union of Farm Workers (SINDJA); Rosario Moreno, general secretary of Independent National Union of Workers in Industries and Services (SNITIS). Credit: Solidarity Center/Ulises Vidal

The Solidarity Center and our allies in Mexico work to strengthen the organizing and bargaining capacity of unions and grassroots organizations and to empower workers, especially women, to stand up for their rights at work, at home and in their communities.

One of the biggest obstacles to freedom of association for workers in Mexico is the prevalence of “employer protection contracts,” which prevent creation of truly representative unions. Protection contracts, which comprise nearly all union contracts, are negotiated without the knowledge and/or consent of workers and are often in place in a factory before workers are hired.

Despite the obstacles, a handful of independent grassroots worker organizations has emerged. The Solidarity Center provides training and support for domestic workers, who formed the country’s first domestic worker union and gained unprecedented legal rights in Mexico’s constitution.

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The Solidarity Center Celebrates 25 Years of Supporting Mexican Workers

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New Labor Center in Mexico Set to Expand Worker Rights

A new Labor Center in Mexico will advise workers about their rights and how to mobilize and organize unions and collectively bargain. The Labor Center, at the Autonomous University of Querétaro in central Mexico, is supported by the Solidarity Center and the UCLA...
Mexico’s New Labor Law Has Potential; Must Be Enforced

Mexico’s New Labor Law Has Potential; Must Be Enforced

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Domestic Workers in Mexico Win Landmark Rights Law

Domestic Workers in Mexico Win Landmark Rights Law

Legislation requiring written contracts, paid vacation and annual bonuses for domestic workers passed Mexico’s House and Senate and is expected to be signed into law by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The landmark law, which also prohibits employers from hiring...

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